Award winning author, coach, journalist, businesswoman, traveller, pasta and bread maker, one-time roller derby wanna-be, wife and feminist—Jo is on a mission to get women talking. From her beginnings as a new arrival to Australia in 1971, living in state housing with parents who spoke no English, she has made it her life purpose to tell stories of the hidden and forgotten lives of women.


Women have long met in circle to hear, see, and witness each other. Women grow and heal when we come together to reclaim our power, our stories, our wisdom.

Women’s circles remind women that we are not alone in our thoughts and feelings. We were never alone.

A monthly women’s circle to connect deeply with ourselves, with each other, and with the natural world around us. Open to all women.



A podcast for women (and even men) with an honest voice about the realities of living without children. It is my mission to provide a platform for this global group, to create a supportive environment & community for the Childless and Childfree to share our stories and experiences.
The words we say, why we say them and where they come from. But this is no ordinary language nerd podcast. From true crime to music, films, myths, legends, ancient history, folklore and everyday life, join me as I rub shoulders with the glitterati of language to discover where some of our everyday words come from.

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