Is it just me, or are some people just meant to be alone?
I’ma I haven’t read Henry David Thoreau’s “Waldon” but I’m pretty familiar with it, and its themes. Man goes into the woods for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days…
I’ma I haven’t read Henry David Thoreau’s “Waldon” but I’m pretty familiar with it, and its themes. Man goes into the woods for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days…
Three weeks in, three weeks out. Longer now, but I wrote these words, longhand, after I’d been out of hospital three weeks. I’m typing them now, with today’s point of…
Didn’t get my BP taken this morning. Waking up was hard enough. A nurse woke me at 8.10 to remind me to go and take my meds. They like to…
I’ve been thinking this morning about some of the group sessions, about values and goals. Values don’t have steps or end dates – they might change over time but that’s…
BP 100/80 Standing 110/80 Well, amazing what can happen in a few short minutes. This morning, I pulled down my holland blind; this is how I learn that they are…
BP 110/80 – It seems to be pretty steady. I think it’s all the water I’m drinking. They have asked to have a one on one with me so I’m…
Morning BP 112/82 – Shit, this place is giving me high blood pressure. I go to the community meeting this morning hoping for something but it just ends up being…
I accidentally took Seroquel at 3pm today. Let me explain: I had Valium at, let’s say say 2pm. I then spend some time sobbing in public. I then spend more…
People who don’t know what bi-polar means, or even bi-polar 2, for that matter, and just think of it as anxiety or a bit of OCD or being “on the…
I’m at the nail place, the crappy one I swear I’ll never go to again but here I am. I tell her I don’t want any colour, that I’m going…