
Back in December, I signed up for a 30-day challenge by Reverb. Every day, a new prompt arrived in my inbox and I’d write a post based on it.
I thought I might have another look at the December 2 prompt: Writing – What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing.
Oh that’s easy… drumroll please…
Watch TV or surf (I mean, do research on) the net. Actually it’s watching TV AND surfing the net at the one time. I like to be entertained, and to see what others are doing, so I check out Etsy, or Design Sponge or I listen to a new saucy episode of Jay and Silent Bob Get Old. I can also spend absolute HOURS looking for new wordpress themes and plugins. Seriously. Hours. 
Here are a few other things I do instead of writing:
·         Visit the neighbours
·         Check email
·         Clean out the container cupboard
·         Blog – which IS writing, actually
·         Plan my next holiday
·         Check my word count to see how many words I have left to write
·         Read
·         Wish I was somewhere else
·         Shop
·         Eat
·         Walk the dogs
·         Think of another story I could be writing
And then sometimes, I just get started and write prolifically.


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