December 12 – Body Integration
This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present?
(Author: Patrick Reynolds)
Um, really? This blog is ALL ABOUT how I can’t manage this at all.
Well that’s what I thought, but then I read the prompt to JJ in frustration and, being the “glass half full” kinda lad that he is, he said “what about when you’re writing Simonne’s memoir? Aren’t you totally in the moment then?
Damn him! Mr Positive strikes again. And he’s right; when I’m writing about Simonne’s life, I feel like I’m living Simonne at those times. I’m totally there.
Oh, and when I’m watching Dexter. Yep, especially then.