Sounds almost like a 1984 compilation album.
Except that it’s not. I’ve going to a shrink for a few years now. He reckons I’m nearly bi-polar. I don’t know if he’s right or not. I just know that what I think is normal is a tad off-kilter with what it probably should be.
How self-indulgent. How ME. I mean, people with kids get off scott-free when it comes to this sort of things, don’t they. They just get on with things. Wish I could do the same. For the last few months I’ve been on Lexapro. Bad, bad, for me. Had to request something else. That something else came in the form of a recommendation for Lithium. Umm… sorry but didn’t Kurt Cobain tell us not to go there? So I’m back on the old Effexor. Maximum dose. We’ll see.
My therapist (as opposed to the shrink) has asked me to start charting my moods. So here it is for the last two days – the aim is closer to the green centre. Seriously, this does seem very self-indulgent.
Sat, 28 Feb | Sun, 1 Mar | |
Severe Significant impairment Not able to work | ||
Moderate Significant impairment Able to work | ||
Mild Without significant impairment | ||
Mild Without significant impairment | * | |
Moderate Significant impairment Able to work | * | |
Severe Significant impairment Not able to work |